
The Blessing Box
Open 24/7, stocked with non-perishable food items, baby items, etc. in parking lot.

Help & Hope Food Pantry
Donate to the food pantry or volunteer on a Saturday at the Food Pantry.

United Methodist Women
Book studies, circle group, local and global missions.

Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Middle School and High School students are meeting on Sundays and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm in the Ministry Building, adjacent to the parking lot behind the main building. Youth Ministry at Mt. View is a time for all of our students to come together for conversations about God’s Love and how He is working through each of our lives. With laughter, food, games, and hearing a message, we meet together and in small groups. Our mentors are of various ages and are members of our congregation working under the direction of a Youth Director. The goal is for students to grow and develop their faith in a safe environment. Visitors are welcome and We cannot wait to see you at one of our meetings!

Cross Club Kids’ Ministry
Children’s ministry involves faith formation in Sunday School, Wednesday night Crossclub 6-7:30 pm., Special group outings and events with our youth group. Every year a vibrant Vacation Bible School brings MTView children and children from the community together. A focus of the children’s ministry at Mt View is on service to others. Many children’s programs also include a service component such as collecting and organizing items for those in need, and honoring the work of people in our communities such as law enforcements, teachers, and missionaries.

Wednesday Night Music Ministry
Mountain View has an active music ministry. The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and sings each Sunday in worship. The Praise Team leads our contemporary music each Sunday and rehearses each Sunday before Sunday School. The handbell choir rehearses and shares in Sunday worship as individual schedules allow.
Contact Us To Get Involved
Complete this form and let us know how you want to be involved in our ministries!